2nd & 3rd grade
2nd and 3rd Grades Class
2nd and 3rd Grades begin each day with a Biblical devotion, prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Pledge to the Christian Flag. The class then completes its weekly recitations. These recitations include Bible memory verses, manners, poetry, and important terms or facts.
2nd and 3rd grade curriculum:
Bible: One in Christ
Literature: Progeny Press
Grammar: Shurley English
Spelling: Memoria Press
Latin: Memoria Press
Math: Saxon Math
Social Studies: Veritas Press
Science: Purposeful Design
2nd and 3rd Grades complete separate course work for Literature, Grammar, Spelling, and Math. 2nd and 3rd Grades share course work for Bible, Latin, Social Studies, and Science.
2nd and 3rd Grades also participate in P.E., Art, Music, Chapel, and Library.