kindergarten through 6th grade
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
2nd & 3rd Grades
4TH, 5th & 6th grades

“The teachers put their heart and soul into their work. They truly care about each student. My child is well cared for and connects with her teachers.”
“Love that you are ensuring a strong Biblical foundation, while also ensuring a strong foundation with the educational curriculum. I’m very happy with our experience, and Mrs. Voss is amazing!”
“I am delighted my daughter is learning and enjoying a positive educational experience.”
“Love the smaller class sizes and wonderful teachers. Feels more like family, and my son loves to be there.”
“I like the attention that is given in areas that students struggle with. I’ve seen so much improvement with areas our son has struggled with. It’s a great school with teachers that care.”
“We like that Mrs. Doesken teaches manners on top of regular school work and that the Bible is being taught at an age appropriate level. Thank you for using the district’s resources for speech therapy and additional classes.”
“My husband and I were very nervous about enrolling our children in school after five years of homeschooling. Now I know that God led us to Faith Lutheran School. Our Autistic son is thriving. He is actually excited to come to school. The teachers are so patient and committed to the kids. They never give up. Our children love music and art. Our oldest enjoys Latin and novel studies. I love that each day starts with a Biblical devotion and prayer.”